Catalyst 2030 Awards | 2023

For Systemic Change



This award celebrates governments that support social entrepreneurship as a means to achieve the SDGs.

There are two sub-categories in the Governments Award Category:

  1. Global
  2. Regional

View Governments judging criteria for 2023.

1. Global

Canada flag
Canadian Government - Catalyst 2030 Awards finalist

Awardee: Canadian Federal Government, Canada

Thank you for your diligence and commitment to ensure effective SDG progress in Canada

The Canadian government’s commitment to the SDGs began with the establishment of an SDG Unit in 2017 to ensure effective coordination across numerous federal departments and agencies and to track Canada’s SDG progress.

The Government of Canada embraces the universality of the 2030 Agenda and is committed to the implementation of the SDGs in Canada and internationally through a whole-of-society approach. Working with partners and stakeholders, Canada is striving to end poverty and inequality, build more prosperous and peaceful societies and protect the planet.

Singapore flag
raiSE - Catalyst 2030 Awards finalist

raiSE Singapore, Singapore

The Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise, raiSE is a sector developer and membership body for aspiring social entrepreneurs, existing social enterprises and other individuals and organisations that are interested in contributing to the development of the Social Enterprise sector. raiSE was set up to raise awareness of social entrepreneurship and raise support for SE in Singapore.

Visit raiSE Singapore Website

Jordan flag
Jordanian Government - Catalyst 2030 Awards finalist

Jordanian Ministry of Culture, Jordan

The Jordanian Ministry of Culture is primarily responsible for supporting cultural development in Jordan. The Department was established to provide support to cultural and artistic initiatives in the Kingdom and to cooperate with writers, intellectuals and artists and support their activities.

Visit Jordanian Ministry of Culture Website

2. Regional

Spain flag
Basque - Catalyst 2030 Awards finalist

Awardee: Basque Government, Spain

Thank you for your continued contribution to formulating proposals for social innovation.

The Basque Government is the governing body of the Basque Autonomous Community of Spain. Among its many functions, it formulates proposals for social innovation in terms of social transition and the 2030 Agenda. With its Basque Programme of Priorities, it promotes coordination and follow-up strategies between the Departments and Institutions oriented towards a joint action of the Government in matters of social transition and the 2030 Agenda and monitors the actions of the strategy.
USA flag
Prosper Portland - Catalyst 2030 Awards finalist

Prosper Portland, Oregon, USA

Prosper Portland is the Economic and Urban Development Agency for the City of Portland. The organisation focuses on building an equitable economy, based on four cornerstones – growing family-wage jobs, advancing opportunities for prosperity, collaborating with partners for an equitable city and creating vibrant neighborhoods and communities. To support that work it seeks to maintain an equitable, innovative, financially sustainable agency. Prosper Portland invests financial and human capital to serve the city and its residents.

The organisation is instrumental in working in partnership with the social enterprise sector in and around Portland.

Visit Prosper Portland Website

Nigeria flag
PEBEC - Catalyst 2030 Awards Finalist

PEBEC Nigeria

The Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) was established to remove the bureaucratic constraints and bottlenecks to doing business in Nigeria with a view to reducing the time, cost and procedures in starting and running a business and to increase efficiency.

PEBEC supports ministries, departments and agencies on reforms being implemented across the federal, legislative and judicial arms of government and subnational governments on ease of doing business interventions aimed at enabling micro, small and mediumenterprises (MSMEs) to start and grow their businesses.

Visit PEBEC Nigeria Website

Spain flag
Portugal flag
AECT - Catalyst 2030 Awards finalist

AECT, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Duero-Douro, Spain and Portugal

EGTC Duero-Douro is a collaborative ecosystem that was established on 14 March 2009 and published in the Official Gazette of the European Union on 16 June 2009.

The functions of the Duero-Douro EGTC are the execution of territorial cooperation programmes or projects co-financed under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and/or the Cohesion Fund. They actively pursue projects and investments that address social impact, sustainable energy, collective self consumption and rural development.

Visit AECT Website

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