Catalyst 2030 Awards | 2023
For Systemic Change
Awards | 2023
Catalyst 2030 announced the winners of the Catalyst 2030 Awards for Systemic Change | 2023 at Spencer House, London, on 8 November 2023.
The global awards ceremony, hosted by renowned journalist Emily Kasriel and author, entrepreneur and Chief Growth Officer at Clearco, Ruma Bose, celebrated organisations that are driving co-creative collaborations to shift the ecosystem.
At the Catalyst 2030 Awards ceremony, Catalyst 2030 launched Global Social Innovation Day as a critical acknowledgement of the powerful social innovation sector and an amplification of the global collective action to support social innovators and their contributions within their own spheres of influence. The annual Global Social Innovation Day will celebrate the progress the sector has made towards achieving social progress and impact and inspire people about the world-changing power of social innovation and how the ecosystem advances policy changes.
In her welcome speech, Jeroo Billimoria, Co-Founder of Catalyst 2030 applauded the finalists saying, “Congratulations to all the finalists and awardees, who are all actively involved in accelerating the impact of the work of social innovators around the world. This is a celebration of your vision, commitment, success and impact in the communities that you support.”
Trophies designed by members of the local handmade ecosystem community in India were presented to Catalyst 2030 Awards winners as follows:
Finalists | 2023
- Deloitte, Global
- Lex Mundi, Global
- EY, Global AWARDEE
- AMBev, Brazil
1. Leader in Learning
- Instituto Phi, Brazil
- The Philanthropic Initiative, USA
- Instituto Humanitas 360, PDR Fundo Filantrópico, Brazil AWARDEE
2. Leader in Trust
- Social Tech Trust, UK
- Tarsadia Foundation, USA AWARDEE
- Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT) Foundation, Nigeria
3. Leader in Partnership
- Childrens Helpers Worldwide, UK
- Asfari Foundation, UK AWARDEE
- Segal Family Foundation, USA
- Mulago Foundation, USA
4. Overall Best Donor
- English Family Foundation, Australia
- Segal Family Foundation, USA AWARDEE
- Canadian Federal Government, Canada AWARDEE
- raiSE Singapore, Singapore
- Jordanian Ministry of Culture, Jordan
- Basque Government, Spain AWARDEE
- Prosper Portland, Oregon, USA
- PEBEC, Nigeria
- AECT, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Duero-Douro, Spain and Portugal
Bilaterals and Multilaterals
- UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Global AWARDEE
- African Center of Metrological Applications for Development (ACMAD), Niger
- UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE), Global

Special Recognition
- Samantha Power, USAID
- Warby Parker
- UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)