Catalyst 2030 Awards
For Systemic Change
General Ethical Framework
Our Ethical Framework
Catalyst 2030 has adopted five Core Values, which underpin everything we do as a movement towards the achievement of our shared Mission and Vision:

People and nature at the centre

Co-creative mindset

Collaborative leadership

Humble audacity

Spirit of generosity
Catalyst 2030 believes in restorative rather than punitive approaches to engaging with the Catalyst 2030 community, stakeholders and members. That is why we want to recognise the efforts of those nominees that are actively working for better outcomes, correcting past practices and striving to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the SDGs by 2030.
Overarching criteria
1. In relation to nominees:
a) Connecting with our core values
Nominators must demonstrate that the nominee is aligned with the values of Catalyst 2030 – through its behaviours and actions – and weighting will be placed in favour of the nominee that has such alignment.
b) Operations and scope of impact
If nominators demonstrate that the nominee does not have business/funding/operations that show extractive and diminishing practices, the nominee will be weighted favourably.
c) Governance
If nominators demonstrate that diversity and inclusion is integrated in the nominee’s operating governance systems, weighting will be placed in favour of that nominee (i.e. representation on Boards, approaches to pay parity, investment committees, etc).
d) Regenerative rather than extractive
Nominators that demonstrate that the nominee uses inclusive, human and nature-centric approaches to systems change will be weighted favourably.
2. In relation to process:
a) Conflict of interest
- Nominators can not in any way be involved in the selection process/judging for the category in which they have nominated a candidate.
- The Special Jury panellists should declare and recuse themselves if there is a conflict of interest with shortlisted nominees.
b) Diversity
- The Awards Committee should ensure diversity in the judging panel for each category area – Regional and Country Chapters should be represented in the panel (at least 50%).
- The Special Jury panellists will be diverse in nature.
c) Transparency
- Members (GA) should be advised of the different stages in the shortlisting process and asked for feedback to ensure that there is full transparency in what and how decisions are made.
- Consultation on the final nominees should be sought at the General Assembly and voted on.